for wedding rings, engagement
rings, jewellery and diamonds in Berlin

123GOLD Wedding Center Berlin

Experience a unique consultation at 123GOLD.


123GOLD Trauring-Zentrum Berlin Potsdamer Platz 9
Ecke Stresemannstraße
10117 Berlin

+49 30 6108 18980


Contact now


Closed now

Sunday Closed
Monday 10:00 - 19:00
Tuesday 10:00 - 19:00
Wednesday 10:00 - 19:00
Thursday 10:00 - 19:00
Friday 10:00 - 19:00
Saturday 10:00 - 18:00

Directions and parking

Das 123 Trauringzentrum Berlin befindet sich im modernen Zentrum Berlins unmittelbar am Potsdamer Platz.
Der Eingang befindet sich am Potsdamer Platz 9 / Ecke Stresemannstr
U-Bahn: U2 - Eingang direkt davor - Station: Potsdamer Platz
S-Bahn: S1, S2, S25 - Station :Potsdamer Platz
Deutsche Bahn: RE3, RE4, RE5 - Station: Potsdamer Platz
Bus: M41, M48, M85, 200 - Station: Potsdamer Platz
Anfahrt mit dem Auto
Parkmöglichkeiten in der Umgebung :
Parkhaus Potsdamer Platz Arkaden
Parkhaus in der Mall of Berlin: Zufahrt Voßstraße & Zufahrt Wilhelmstraße

Plan your trip

We look forward to your visit

Herzlich willkommen im 123GOLD Trauringzentrum Berlin

Wir sind die Spezialisten für Verlobungsringe, Trauringe, Memoire-Ringe und Diamanten. Unsere Beratung ist professionell und authentisch. Mit unserer Modell-Vielfalt bieten wir eine Trauring-Erlebniswelt der besonderen Art.

Sie möchten einen Beratungstermin vereinbaren? Dann haben Sie die Möglichkeit, Ihren Wunschtermin online auf den Weg zu bringen. Nutzen Sie hierfür bitte unseren Online-Terminkalender.

Alternativ haben Sie die Möglichkeit, Ihren Beratungstermin telefonisch zu vereinbaren. Unser Team freut sich auf Ihren Anruf.

Wir freuen uns auf Sie.

Ihr 123GOLD-Team


In order to process your request, please send us your personal data. This data will be used by us only for the purpose of processing your request and will be deleted after processing. No further storage or processing will take place. If you do not agree with the transmission of the data, unfortunately we are not able to process your request.

Our products

Wedding rings

Wedding rings

Engagement rings

Engagement rings





Job offer

Become part of our team. Currently we are looking for the location Berlin.


Salesperson (m/f/d) Full-time


Wedding & engagement rings in Berlin

At 123GOLD Berlin a wedding ring experience world of the extra class expects you. In a cozy ambience, feel, see and compare the beauty and specialness of our high-quality wedding rings. We carry both rings made of gold - White gold, Yellow gold, and various other gold alloys - as well as wedding rings made of Platinum and Palladium and a unique selection of Engagement rings and Jewellery. The effect of Precious metals in combination with sparkling Diamonds in various combinations and Types of barrels will fascinate and captivate you.

We inspire with an incredibly large selection of models that serve as inspiration to arrive at your individual dream ring. In addition to classic wedding rings these are also rings with special design and elaborate stone settings in their purest form and design. Our highly trained, long-time staff will help you select your perfect wedding rings and customize them completely according to your wishes.

Even with individual engravings there are no limits to your creativity at 123GOLD. Whether you want a personalized love vow engraved in your own handwriting or even your child's heart line, no challenge is too great for our team!

Unique wedding rings with the wedding ring configurator

As the inventor of the Wedding ring configurator, 123GOLD has been setting standards for many years in the presentation of rings in the configurator and its usability through constant technical development and innovation. This allows us to visualize the rings designed with love by our customers in the best possible way and to calculate prices immediately. The consistency of the configurator technology up to the long-term manufacturing partners allows us a precise and timely production. Only the leading German wedding ring manufacturers are commissioned with the production of your wedding rings.

At our independent 123GOLD partner in Berlin we offer you an extensive selection of Wedding rings in all classic, modern and fancy designs, in a variety of different materials and in all price ranges, from very inexpensive to high exclusive. With over 50,000 wedding rings sold each year, 123GOLD is Germany's No. 1 wedding ring specialist.

At 123GOLD Berlin you will find your matching ring or the appropriate piece of jewellery for every occasion. Whether wedding rings, engagement rings, friendship rings, partner rings or simply a piece of jewellery to express your love - 123GOLD's diverse, customizable products capture your emotions.

123GOLD company profile

Bacio d'oro Schmuckvertriebs GmbH

Managing Director: Cornelia Kohaupt-Ionita,Peter Hensel

VAT ID: DE 191 151 486

Local court: Bad Homburg v.d.H

Commercial register no.: 11054